Keeping Your



Truck Drivers


Protecting Your Greatest Asset: Your People!
Smartphone and smartwatch icons with my-eforce app

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Google - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

There are significant Human costs to your people and teams from incidents and injuries:

Icon representing injury or disability
Injury or Disability
Icon symbolizing rehabilitation process.
Icon depicting financial hardship.
Financial Hardship
Icon illustrating career disruption.
Career Disruption
Icon indicating mental well-being.
Mental Well-Being
Icon showing family stress.
Family Stress

There are also many Economic Costs to your Business:

Icon for medical expenses.
Medical Expenses
Icon representing insurance costs.
Icon depicting property damage.
Property Damage
Icon symbolizing legal and administrative costs.
Legal & Administrative
Icon illustrating employee turnover.
Employee Turnover
Icon indicating lost productivity.
Lost Productivity
Icon showing lost customers.
Lost Customers
Icon representing damaged reputation.
Damaged Reputation

my-eforce helps to reduce these costs by using real-time health and location data from common devices to keep your people connected for faster emergency response.

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A Powerful Safety Solution for Your People and Your Teams

See How it Works

How my-eforce Keeps Your Team Safe

In the News

Calgary Real Estate Board partners with my-eforce
CREB partners with my-eforce to improve realtor safety

The Calgary Real Estate Board has addressed realtor safety in partnering with my-eforce, writes columnist David Parker.

my-eforce employs smartwatches to lone monitor worker health
my-eforce employes smartwatches to monitor worker' health in the field

Workforce connects employees' health status through smart watches, writes columnist David Parker.

Justin Barber discusses my-eforce safety technology on Steering Change Podcast
Steering Change Podcast : Road to Wellness

Where Technology Meets Safety

Featuring Justin Barber, Co-Founder at my-eforce.

Safety Tips

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